Thursday, December 13, 2007
leeds sickness

I MISS LEEDS! anyone hear that?




for all the good food i had there which made me FATter.. but i'm missing it now. not THAt good, but good.

for all the clubbings and drinkings which i've never done anything like that in singapore.

for all the times i missed singapore, family, friends n my loves, bz msning. (contradicting i noe, but please try to understand, cos i do)

for all the freedom i had n enjoyed! (no sharing of bathroom, personalizing it) my room too! i seemed to bother to decorate it rather than my home in singapore. weird huh?

for all the friends (good ones) i've made there! friends who were there during my ups n downs for they're such darlings.

miss them ALL.

clarice wrote on 10:38 pm.